Horse Rug Pad Set Pack of 2


Why not use the Magnetic Horse Rug Pad for yourself? Most riders reporting back to me who used a Magnetic Horse Rug Pad for a bad back felt relief after just a few hours!

These handy pads will attach themselves to most rugs or blankets or they can be easily sewn or pinned into place.

  • Each pad will put a deep penetrating and powerful magnetic field 30cm (1 ft) away from the surface and the same around the edge.
  • This powerful magnetic field will penetrate deep into muscle and tissue, more than any similar products on the market.
  • Simply spread the pads evenly within the rug to give an overall relaxing magnetic massage either whilst travelling, as an aid to recovery both before and after an event or focus the pads where needed most e.g. Shoulder, back, hip etc.

97 in stock

SKU: SK2278 Category:

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