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Magnetic Pain Relief

“We are also the only company in the world to offer you a range of handmade to-measure real Gold and Silver Jewellery.”

Around 1992/4 I was looking for a way of working as a therapist and visited various Complimentary Health Exhibitions to see if I could feel “drawn” (pun not intended) to a particular therapy. After talking to a variety of interesting people and looking at the types of therapies that were on offer I came away totally confused. I had in previous years read some articles on magnetic pain relief therapy so on my return, I decided to ask more searching questions to the exhibitors concerned, of which there were two. To my surprise and dismay, I found that all they were interested in was selling and that they knew very little of how it worked, only that it did! As I had worked and trained as a Male Nurse and trained as a Counselor I was bothered that something that had an effect on someone’s health and sold to those who may be vulnerable and seeking relief from pain and discomfort was being offered by persons who did not know what they were talking about, and unfortunately it still goes on!

I now felt I was on a crusade and read as much as I could on the subject and at that time there wasn’t much. I came across several articles addressing the dangers of mobile phone and power line radiation and in particular “Something in the Air” by Roger Coghill, a research biologist.

After reading his research papers (it is now in book form) and talking to him I felt a greater understanding of the subject and started to develop my own range. I now design, manufacture and market my own exclusive range of magnetic pain relief therapy products and is still growing. For example, my Elegance jewellery items are still, at the moment of writing, the only handmade real gold and sterling silver (UK hallmarked) magnetic pain relief therapy jewellery products in the world!

It has always been my aim to offer advice and magnetic pain relief products that to the best of my ability and understanding will give the best possible results to the wearer in order to help them achieve relief from pain and discomfort.

My range of Animal magnetic pain relief products has been developed by trial and error with use on our own pets and horses of which the horse/pony band has been extremely successful with its ease of use and design.

Over the years my products and company have been subject to scrutiny from Trading Standards and the Medical Devices Agency and have passed without a problem and products are now registered as a Class 1 Medical Device and an past member of the British Complementary Medicine Association.

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    Good morning Ray

    My wife bought a bracelet yesterday from yourself at the Cheshire country and game fair, honestly she can’t believe the results she has been suffering with pain for over 3 years and last night was the best sleep she has had for a while, thanks again.


    I first meet you at the Thame country fair last week, I was the guy that was asking losts of question which started off with me being very uneasy about the product you were selling, you were very patient with me and never promoted your product just just explained the benefits, you just answered my question. I decided to give your product a go, wow what a great product you have, it actually did what you said it did. My pain in my shoulder has gone my movement is the best it’s been for months..
    Thank you

    I have recommended your products to my friends who have been onto your website purchased your product and who shown me the product that there wear and have reported that it has the same results as my purchase.
    Thank you again

    Anne Hack

    I just wanted to update you on the dog collar I purchased from you a few weeks ago.

    My 11 year old Labrador who has always been very fit and active was diagnosed with arthritis in both front elbows a year ago. He has been much improved with medication over the last 10 months but had suddenly started limping again and struggling on the stairs. We were warned this might happen as the condition worsens.

    However, since purchasing the collar from you he is so much better. We saw an improvement within a few days and he is standing, walking and running freely apparently without pain and his limp has ceased. His eyes are brighter and he is h very settled when resting, in short he has found his mojo! Thank you so much for your help and I wish you continued success. You are welcome to use this testimonial should you wish.

    Best wishes

    22 November 2023 at 20:40

    Jenny and Boots the horse

    So lovely to chat to you at Windsor horse show.

    My horse has been off with a check ligament injury so I brought a boost band for him I put it on last Saturday moring. When I got him back in that afternoon, I could not believe there was a marked improvement in the reduction of the swollen area Over the week the swelling has reduced further. Today we trotted him up. We are doing this every two weeks now he is allowed out in the field. To my utter relief he trotted up sound.

    1 don’t believe in magic cures. But I do believe that anything that aids healing has to be tried. This has been a complete success.

    My band has been working well. My lower back has been the best it has been for ages. Sadly the sciatica has come back to bite. But my Osteopath has found it easier this time as the muscles are not as tight. Thank you for all your help when we chatted at the show.

    Kind regards

    Annie Evans

    I met you at Sandringham on Sunday where you sold me a black pulsar wrist band. As promised here is my review for your book.

    “I suffer from a pseudo brain tumour and have suffered for a long time with headaches and migraines so after talking to ray about my extensive medical conditions he recommended to me the pulsar wrist band i brought the smaller one to trail and as soon as he put it on the headache that i had for nearly 12 hours went away i got a little emotional. It’s now a few days later and other than a few headaches that come and go quickly I’ve not suffered from a long-lasting headache/migraine and the relief i feel can’t be really put in words but from the bottom of my heart thank you so much.”

    Thank you Ray I feel so much better than I did Many many thanks.

    Fiona Reynolds

    Thank you for sending my replacement wristband, it did arrive the very next day and was Immediately strapped on my wrist not to be removed. I don’t know how it works but just know it does – I have worn one of your magnetic wristbands for over 20 years and wouldn’t like to be without one. Again very many thanks for your prompt service. With kind regards.

    Mr. R.L, Cheshire

    “Having been given a MAGNETiC wristband as a present, I felt bound to wear it by a sense of obligation, and confess to being a sceptic. However, after only 4 or 5 days I was able to ‘trot’ down the stairs instead of groaning with each step. The Arthritis in my knees has virtually gone.I am aged 70.”

    Mr. R.L, Cheshire

    Mrs. L, Chelmsford

    “I did not have much faith when I brought the bracelet having tried many things in the past to relieve my back pain. Within hours I had noticed the difference. I can’t thank you enough.”

    Mrs. L, Chelmsford

    Mrs J., London

    “After 3 months: My blood pressure has gone down as has my cholesterol. [I am] sleeping a lot better, [I have] more energy and less pain in my knees. I am so glad I was put in touch with you.”

    Mrs J., London

    Mrs. W.L Witham

    “I used to suffer from nerve damage and pain due to surgery, but after a few days, I was completely pain-free. My husband used to suffer from terrible migraines, since wearing the strap he has not had a single one.”

    Mrs. W.L Witham


    Your bracelet is fantastic and keeps me pain free. I don’t know what I would do without it.

    J. Thomson

    Thank you

    Hello Ray, Thank you for your prompt dispatch of the Magnetic Fetlock Band for my thoroughbred X Quinn. Without wearing his band he goes lame very easily but wearing the band, which he has done more than 2 years now, he is pain-free and really enjoys his rides. Thank you once again.

    E. Jones